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About me

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I am a scientist turned communicator and coach.


A neuroscientist by training, I have been working in strategy and communication roles in scientific organisations for over 15 years. I have a long history of building and leading international teams and running consultative strategy processes. In my day job, I work as the Head of Communications at the European Southern Observatory in Munich.


My personal journey of growing into a leadership role in a scientific environment, where female role models and systematic support for managers are still scarce, inspired me to train as a coach. I work with aspiring and experienced managers alike to help them find their own voice and an authentic style to lead themselves and others. My home turf is scientific organisations, although I work with clients from different areas.


My aim is to support particularly (but not only) women who are striving to combine a successful career with a fulfilling personal and/or family life. As a mother of two, I know what it means to be a working parent, juggle multiple roles and feel you are constantly falling short. But I also know that it is possible to let go of limiting feelings of guilt and inadequacy and live a more fulfilled life. I love to work at exactly this interface where personal and professional spheres meet. 


As a coach, I combine the analytical, rational and structured approach of a scientist with a passion for people, empathetic curiosity and a solution-oriented attitude. What I enjoy most in life is connection and the magic that happens when people feel heard and understood. This is the goal of each of my coachings.



Systemic Personal and Business Coach 

Coaching Akademie Berlin

Certified by the European Coaching Association and the Bundesverband für Qualität in der systemischen Arbeit

Since 2020

2012 - 2020

Head of Communications

European Southern Observatory (ESO), Munich

Leadership roles in Strategy & Communications

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg

Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Molecular Medicine (MDC), Berlin


2001 - 2005

B.Sc Neuroscience - University of Cambridge (UK)

M.Sc Science Communication - University of Bath (UK)

For more information, please visit my profile

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